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Evaluating Rare Earth Element Availability: A Case with Revolutionary Demand from Clean Technologies. Environmental Science & Technology. 46:3406-3414.
2012. Evaluating the Potential for Secondary Mass Savings in Vehicle Lightweighting. Environmental Science & Technology Technology. 46:2893-2901.
2012. Platinum Availability for Future Automotive Technologies. Environmental Science & Technology. 46:12986-12993.
2012. Evaluating Dynamic Factors That Affect Rare Earths Scarcity. ISIE 2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology.
2011. Material Availability And Recycling: Identifying Risks And Evaluating Responses. Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability. :549-564.
2011. NonāPrice Material Scarcity Metrics: How Well, and Under What Conditions Is the Risk They Indicate Reflected by Material Price? ISIE 2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology.
2011. .
2011. Motivating Sustainable Material Use through Industry-Level Simulation Modeling of Platinum Stocks and Flows. TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition - EPD Congress. :827-834.
2010. Strategies to Address Risks of Platinum Scarcity for Supply Chain Downstream Firms. IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology.
2009. A Case Study of the Availability of Platinum Group Metals for Electronics Manufacturers. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment.
2008. .
Material Availability and the Supply Chain: Risks, Effects, and Responses. Environmental Science and Technology. 41:6649-6656.