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2020. .
Evaluating the Potential for Secondary Mass Savings in Vehicle Lightweighting. Environmental Science & Technology Technology. 46:2893-2901.
2012. A Dynamic Process-Based Cost Modeling Approach to Understand Learning Effects in Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics.
2011. Evaluating Dynamic Factors That Affect Rare Earths Scarcity. ISIE 2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology.
2011. NonāPrice Material Scarcity Metrics: How Well, and Under What Conditions Is the Risk They Indicate Reflected by Material Price? ISIE 2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology.
2011. Plastic cars in China? The significance of production location over markets for technology competitiveness in the United States versus the People's Republic of China International Journal of Production Economics. 132:79-92.
2011. .
2011. Motivating Sustainable Material Use through Industry-Level Simulation Modeling of Platinum Stocks and Flows. TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition - EPD Congress. :827-834.
2010. Strategies to Address Risks of Platinum Scarcity for Supply Chain Downstream Firms. IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology.
2009. .
Strategic Materials Selection in the Automotive Body: Economic Opportunities for Polymer Composite Design. Composites Science and Technology. 68:1989-2002.
2008. Process Cost Modeling: Strategic Engineering and Economic Evaluation of Materials Technologies. Journal of Metals. 49:1543-1581.
2007. Projecting automotive materials consumption and its impact on future resource scarcity. Mobility 2030: Meeting the challenges to sustainability World Business Council on Sustainable Development.
2004. Market Model Simulation: The Impact of Increased Automotive Interest in Magnesium. Journal of Metals. 54:25-33.
2002. Assessing the Strategic Value of Manufacturing Technology through Process Based Cost Modeling. Global Automotive Manufacturing Technology. :76-83.