Found 236 results
Cost of Quality Tradeoffs in Manufacturing Process and Inspection Strategy Selection. Materials Science & Engineering. S.M. Zaklouta_H-thesis.pdf (5.93 MB)
2011. A Dynamic Process-Based Cost Modeling Approach to Understand Learning Effects in Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics.
2011. Environmental Assessment of IT Products Using a Triage Approach. ISSST International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology.
2011. Evaluating Dynamic Factors That Affect Rare Earths Scarcity. ISIE 2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology.
2011. The Evolution and Adoption of Optical Interconnect Cables. Materials Science & Engineering. M.Eng.
2011. Exploring the Viability of Probabilistic Underspecification to Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment. ISSST International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology.
2011. Exploring the Viability of Probablistic Underspecification as a Viable Streamlining Method for LCA. Materials Science & Engineering. S.M.
2011. The Future of Silicon Photonics: Not So Fast? Insights from 100G Ethernet LAN Transceivers Journal of Lightwave Technology. 29:2319-2326.
2011. How Much Sorting is Enough: Identifying Economic and Scrap-Reuse Benefits of Sorting Technologies. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 15:743-759.
2011. Impact of Blending on Estimated Uncertainty of Biodiesel Emissions. ISIE 2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology.
2011. Impact of Uncertainty in Activity Data and Emissions Factors on Firm Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimates. ISSST International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology.
2011. The Importance of Product Development Cycle Time and Cost in the Development of Product Families. Journal of Engineering Design. 22:87-99.
2011. Increasing Secondary and Renewable Material Use: A Chance Constrained Modeling Approach to Manage Feedstock Quality Variation. Environmental Science & Technology. 45:4118-4126.
2011. Material Availability And Recycling: Identifying Risks And Evaluating Responses. Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability. :549-564.
2011. Metal Price Volatility: A Study of Informative Metrics and the Volatility Mitigating Effects of Recycling. Technology & Policy Program. S.M. Fleming_N-thesis.pdf (2.19 MB)
2011. Methods for Estimating End of Life Electronics Exports from North America. ISSST International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology.
2011. Non‐Price Material Scarcity Metrics: How Well, and Under What Conditions Is the Risk They Indicate Reflected by Material Price? ISIE 2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology.
2011. Plastic cars in China? The significance of production location over markets for technology competitiveness in the United States versus the People's Republic of China International Journal of Production Economics. 132:79-92.
2011. .
2011. Toward Sustainable Material Usage: Evaluating the Importance of Market Motivated Agency in Modeling Material Flows. Environmental Science & Technology. 45:4110-4117.
2011. A Triage Approach to Streamline Environmental Footprinting: A Case Study for Liquid Crystal Displays. Technology & Policy Program. S.M. Zgola_M-thesis.pdf (1.73 MB)
2011. Cars on a diet : the material and energy impacts of passenger vehicle weight reduction in the U.S.. Engineering Systems Division. Ph.D.
2010. Design for Location? The Impact of Manufacturing Offshore on Technology Competitiveness in the Optoelectronics Industry Management Science. 56:2323-2349.
2010. Design for Recycling: Evaluation and Efficient Alloy Modification. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 14:286–308.
2010. Developing and Assessing Commonality Metrics for Product Families: A Process-based Cost Modeling Approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 57:643-648.