Lab Publications
The Importance of Product Development Cycle Time and Cost in the Development of Product Families. Journal of Engineering Design. 22:87-99. . 2011.
Toward Sustainable Material Usage: Evaluating the Importance of Market Motivated Agency in Modeling Material Flows. Environmental Science & Technology. 45:4110-4117. . 2011.
Increasing Secondary and Renewable Material Use: A Chance Constrained Modeling Approach to Manage Feedstock Quality Variation. Environmental Science & Technology. 45:4118-4126. . 2011.
Plastic cars in China? The significance of production location over markets for technology competitiveness in the United States versus the People's Republic of China International Journal of Production Economics. 132:79-92. . 2011.
A Dynamic Process-Based Cost Modeling Approach to Understand Learning Effects in Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics. . 2011.
How Much Sorting is Enough: Identifying Economic and Scrap-Reuse Benefits of Sorting Technologies. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 15:743-759. . 2011.
The Future of Silicon Photonics: Not So Fast? Insights from 100G Ethernet LAN Transceivers Journal of Lightwave Technology. 29:2319-2326. . 2011.
Environmental Assessment of IT Products Using a Triage Approach. ISSST International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology. . 2011.
Methods for Estimating End of Life Electronics Exports from North America. ISSST International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology. . 2011.
Exploring the Viability of Probabilistic Underspecification to Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment. ISSST International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology. . 2011.
Material Availability And Recycling: Identifying Risks And Evaluating Responses. Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability. :549-564. . 2011.
Impact of Uncertainty in Activity Data and Emissions Factors on Firm Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimates. ISSST International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology. . 2011.
Non‐Price Material Scarcity Metrics: How Well, and Under What Conditions Is the Risk They Indicate Reflected by Material Price? ISIE 2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology. . 2011.
Evaluating Dynamic Factors That Affect Rare Earths Scarcity. ISIE 2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology. . 2011.
Motivating Sustainable Material Use through Industry-Level Simulation Modeling of Platinum Stocks and Flows. TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition - EPD Congress. :827-834. . 2010.
Design for Recycling: Evaluation and Efficient Alloy Modification. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 14:286–308. . 2010.
Design for Location? The Impact of Manufacturing Offshore on Technology Competitiveness in the Optoelectronics Industry Management Science. 56:2323-2349. . 2010.
Developing and Assessing Commonality Metrics for Product Families: A Process-based Cost Modeling Approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 57:643-648. . 2010.
Quantifying the Effects of Parts Consolidation and Development Costs on Material Selection Decisions: A Process-Based Costing Approach. International Journal of Production Economics. 119:174-186. . 2009.
Aluminum Stock and Flows in the U.S. Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet and Implications on the Material Cycle Energy Use. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 13:718-734. . 2009.
Evaluating the Economic Viability of a Material Recovery System: The Case of Cathode Ray Tube Glass. Environmental Science and Technology. 43:9245-9251. . 2009.
Quantifying the effects of product family decisions on material selection: A process-based costing approach. International Journal of Production Economics. 120:653-668. . 2009.
Strategies to Address Risks of Platinum Scarcity for Supply Chain Downstream Firms. IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology. . 2009.
Strategic Materials Selection in the Automotive Body: Economic Opportunities for Polymer Composite Design. Composites Science and Technology. 68:1989-2002. . 2008.